
Legislation needed to stop eviction of tenant farmers

Andy Wightman MSP, Land Reform spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, today (11 Nov) urged the Scottish Government to bring forward emergency legislation to stop the eviction of tenant farmers across the country.

A number of farmers face losing their homes, land and businesses due to the Supreme Court ruling in 2013 that the Agricultural Holdings Act 2003 - which granted tenant farmers the right to stay on their farm in perpetuity - breached landlords' human rights.

Mr Wightman, who recently hosted a meeting at Holyrood for affected tenant farmers, has lodged a Parliamentary motion noting that mediation between tenants and landlords offered by the Scottish Government in 2014 has not yet materialised.

Andy Wightman, Land Reform spokesperson for the Scottish Greens and MSP for Lothian, said:

"Tenant farmers and their families who, through no fault of their own are now facing eviction, have invested significantly in their businesses and now face losing their livelihoods. I urge the Scottish Government to intervene by bringing forward emergency legislation that will halt any evictions pending a satisfactory mediated settlement."


The motion lodged at Holyrood by Andy Wightman reads as follows:

S5M-02410 That the Parliament regrets the current situation for some tenant farmers in the Lothian region and across Scotland who it understands are facing eviction; considers that the tripartite mediation that it understands was promised by the Scottish Government during the passage of the Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 2003 Remedial Order 2014 has not materialised; notes with concern the stress and insecurity that many tenant farmers, their families and employees are facing; notes the calls on the Scottish Government to ensure that mediation is provided, and further notes the calls on the Scottish Government to take action to stop all pending evictions


On Thursday 17 November, Andy Wightman is scheduled to ask the following General Question at Holyrood:

S5O-00359: To ask the Scottish Government what recent discussions it has had with tenant farmers and their representatives.