
Last chance to convince government on fracking ban say Greens

Communities in Scotland now have less than 24 hours to tell the Scottish Government to introduce an outright fracking ban, say the Scottish Greens.

The Scottish Greens have been calling for people throughout Scotland, concerned by the prospect of the hazardous practice being made legal, to take part in the government consultation before it closes today.

The Scottish Greens’ energy and environment spokesperson, Mark Ruskell MSP says the government’s moratorium is “legally shaky”, but it can be turned into a full ban provided there’s a “surge of evidence coming from communities”.

Mid Scotland and Fife MSP, Mark Ruskell said:

“We are so close to a decision that could protect our climate and our communities from a reckless industry that has no relevance to the future low carbon world we need.  Fracking is unsafe, unnecessary and completely incompatible with our climate change targets.

“It’s more important than ever that communities and individuals concerned about fracking speak out and take action today. The current moratorium is legally shaky and needs to be turned into a full ban as soon as possible, but that can only happen if there is a surge of evidence coming from communities about the damaging impact fracking can cause.”