

Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and a member of Holyrood's economy and energy committee, today secured agreement from Finance Secretary John Swinney that energy efficient homes should be a national infrastructure priority.

Ms Johnstone questioned the minister in committee, pointing out that retrofitting existing housing stock could create up to 9,000 jobs.

WWF Scotland and Energy Action Scotland have said that the Scottish Government's proposed budget for 2015-16 does little to reduce fuel poverty.

Alison Johnstone MSP said:

"I welcome the finance secretary's agreement that stopping heat leaking from our housing stock should be a national infrastructure priority. He clearly recognised the economic impact, not just in terms of cutting people's bills but also in terms of creating thousands of high quality jobs and apprenticeships.

"If we're serious about making up lost ground after three years of missing our climate change targets, and if we're serious about creating jobs and cutting household costs, we need to see a big shift in funding in this budget. Mr Swinney agrees it should be a priority; let's see if he will follow through with funding."


Draft Budget 2015-16 submission from WWF Scotland

Submission from Energy Action Scotland