

Scottish Green MSPs tonight promised to keep up the fight for a credible plan of action to secure a future for North Sea workers and the wider economy, after MSPs from other parties voted down a call for the Scottish Government to act.AJ and PH in corridor for web

This afternoon's Holyrood debate was led by Patrick Harvie MSP, Economy and Energy spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, who highlighted the concerns of unions representing North Sea workers that the opportunity of jobs in decommissioning is at risk of being missed.

The debate was summed up by Alison Johnstone MSP, Health and Wellbeing spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, who highlighted the need for a jobs plans to avoid a disordered reduction in the fossil fuel industry.

Speaking after the debate, Patrick Harvie MSP said:

"Scotland can give North Sea workers hope for the future by drawing up a credible plan and investing responsibly to grow alternative sectors. By failing to make such a plan, we are allowing the skills and experience of people currently working in the industry to go to waste.

"The warnings from economists and union leaders are clear, and it's simply not credible to hope that yet more tax cuts for big oil will give our communities reassurance. A bolder Holyrood is vital and Scottish Greens will continue to press the case for job security for the workers of today and of the future."

Alison Johnstone MSP said:

"The dramatic fall in oil prices has already proved painful for workers, families and communities in the North-east and across Scotland. Scotland can plan for a more stable economy by prioritising skills, innovation, support for SMEs and by making energy efficient homes a national infrastructure priority with the funding it deserves.

"Today's debate showed how seriously the Scottish Greens take the future of our economy, putting forward constructive ideas. Rather than simply reacting to redundancies we should be reskilling and matching existing skills to the jobs of the future."