
Job Centres: Green MSP Writes to new Work and Pensions Secretary Over DWP Closures

West of Scotland Green MSP Ross Greer has written to the new Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, David Gauke, asking him to cancel the planned job centre closures in Port Glasgow and Alexandria, and the closure of the administration centre in Paisley, which the MSP has branded ‘senseless and harmful’.

Despite an array of concerns raised by Scottish Green MSPs and a damning report by the Scottish Affairs Committee in the House of Commons, UK Government Ministers remain committed to closing the Alexandria Jobcentre in West Dunbartonshire, Port Glasgow Jobcentre in Inverclyde, and the administration centre in Paisley. These closures come on top of plans announced in December 2016 to close eight job centres in Glasgow, a move that the city's Green MSP Patrick Harvie has been campaigning against.

Greer had previously written to the relevant Conservative minister, asking him to accompany the Green MSP on a walk from the Alexandria jobcentre to the Dumbarton centre over two miles away, which would be the closest for jobseekers as far away as Haldane. The minister, Damien Green, declined.

Ross Greer, Green MSP for the West of Scotland, said:

“Despite Theresa May losing her majority in the snap General Election, the Westminster Government appears committed to its flawed plans to close Jobcentres and make it harder for those out of work to find employment. The Tories have an opportunity to reflect on why voters denied them majority and ditch their plan to punish those in society who need the most support.

"These closures will mean round-trips of up to 10 miles for jobseekers to attend appointments. For those with caring responsibilities or with a disability, the cost of travelling longer to attend appointments can be prohibitive. Many jobseekers receive so little in support that they cannot afford the bus or train, meaning they would have to walk for miles just to get the employment support that they are entitled to. Staff will also be affected by these hugely disruptive changes, forcing them to pay the price of a Westminster Government obsessed with austerity. These closures must be reconsidered to ensure that everyone can access the support they are entitled to.”


The affected locations in the West of Scotland are:

Alexandria - Jobcentre

Paisley, Lonend - DWP administration centre.

Port Glasgow - Jobcentre

Ross’s letter was as follows:

Dear David,

West of Scotland DWP Site Closures

I am writing to you regarding proposals to close DWP facilities across the West of Scotland. I have previously written to the then Minister of State for Employment, Damian Hinds MP to raise these concerns. I invited him to join me on a walk from the Alexandria Jobcentre targeted for closure to the nearest alternative in Dumbarton, in order to appreciate the distance. Unfortunately, he declined this invitation.

I am deeply concerned by these closures, and do not believe that adequate consideration has been given to the hardship the additional distances resulting from Jobcentre closures will cause many claimants. Claimants who attend the Alexandria Jobcentre will face an additional 2 miles to the nearest alternative. For people living in places like Haldane, who already travel 2 miles to Alexandria, this will mean a 10-mile roundtrip. Further, encouraging greater use of online services may not be suitable for all claimants, particularly those in more rural areas without reliable internet access, and the many who are not confident in their use of IT systems. I am particularly concerned about the impact these changes will have on those with children, disabilities, and carers.

Further, these changes will of course have a negative impact on Jobcentre staff, particularly those at the Paisley administrative centre. Moving jobs is not the same as moving staff, and may not suit everyone currently employed in these locations.

Since I last wrote to Damian Hinds MP, the Scottish Affairs Committee in the House of Commons has published a report on these Jobcentre closures. I would like to draw your attention to the concerns highlighted in this report over the lack of consultation with the Scottish Government, jobseekers, and staff at these Jobcentres and the impact these changes will have on vulnerable members of society. 

I urge you to reconsider these closures in recognition of the difficulties they will cause my constituents.

I look forward to your reply.

Ross Greer MSP, West Scotland