

Green Yes, the Scottish Green Party's campaign for a Yes vote in the independence referendum, today (16 June) welcomed the publication of a consultation on a draft interim constitution for an independent Scotland.

Patrick Harvie, Green MSP for Glasgow and Co-convener of the Scottish Greens, also questioned the credibility of the offers being made by the three political parties arguing for a No vote.

The Scottish Government's proposed interim constitution, to be adopted in 2016, includes:

- Setting up an "inclusive and participative" constitutional convention in 2016 to draw up a permanent constitution
- Giving Scots the right to a healthy environment
- Committing the government to removal of nuclear weapons
- Prioritising the promotion of international peace
- Enshrining the principle of local government

Patrick Harvie MSP said:

"I welcome this very clear statement of intent - that Scotland aspires to be a modern, compassionate democracy where power is held to account. It is essential that there is public involvement in drawing up our constitution, and in the event of a Yes vote we must capture the enthusiasm, engagement and ideas that the referendum debate is generating."

On the political parties campaigning for a No vote, Mr Harvie said:

"The proposals from these parties must be considered against a backdrop of what Scotland wouldn't get control over. Most of the welfare state would remain ripe for dismantling, we'd be unable to adopt a welcoming immigration policy, and we'd be stuck with offensive nuclear weapons in our waters.

"I view these offers as alternative ways of funding Holyrood, whereas a Yes vote offers a transformational opportunity to decide the full range of priorities. I believe undecided voters are more likely to respond to that big opportunity."


Draft Scottish Independence Bill providing constitutional "platform":
(Scottish Government)