
Independence poll is warning to Tories say Greens

A poll by Ipsos MORI showing an increase in support for Scottish independence has been welcomed by the Scottish Greens.

The party’s co-convener Maggie Chapman says it’s “little wonder” there is a rise in support for Yes because of the UK government’s “arrogant and inflexible” Brexit negotiation stance.

Maggie Chapman, the Scottish Greens’ co-convener, said:

“This poll should be seen as a warning for the Tories to change course. It’s little wonder that more Scots continue to move to Yes, given the choice being presented by Westminster because of its arrogant and inflexible negotiation stance that refuses to recognise the EU referendum result where 62% voted to Remain. One of those choices is the angry, isolated Britain planned by the Tories that will cost Scotland 80,000 jobs and a £2,000 drop in average wages. The other, and increasingly popular, alternative is one independent from Westminster that puts Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands.”