


Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and a member of Holyrood's economy committee, is highlighting a study by the Centre for Population Change which suggests local authorities in Scotland have insufficient resources to welcome migrants to their communities.

Earlier this year a poll for the Scottish Green MSPs showed two-thirds of Scots want Holyrood to have control over immigration policy, with almost half of those planning to vote No to independence backing the idea.

Alison Johnstone MSP said:

"Immigration presents huge economic and social opportunities for Scotland, and it's pleasing to see local authorities are keen to attract more people to their areas to address issues such as population decline and an ageing population. But it's a real concern to hear that many are struggling with resources.

"Immigration policy is determined by the UK Government and there's no offer to devolve responsibility for it, so if Scotland votes No we will continue to struggle to adopt the more welcoming approach so many of us want to see.

"What this study also shows is that local authorities should have greater control, with the ability to raise revenue and direct resources where they're needed. Local decision making, at Scottish and community level, will be key to securing the benefits of immigration for our society and economy."


Immigration poll by Survation in March 2014 for Scottish Green MSPs

Centre for Population Change