
Home care staff testing better late than never

Scottish Greens have welcomed proposals for asymptomatic testing of care at home workers as ‘better late than never’.

The Greens first proposed regular COVID testing for all NHS and care staff last April.

Responding to the announcement by the First Minister, Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie said:

“Since the start of the first lockdown we have called for regular testing for our front-line workers who have gone above and beyond to keep us safe.

“We won this for care home staff in May, for NHS workers in November and we are still fighting for this assurance for teachers and other school staff.

“When vulnerable people are even more restricted than normal, care-at-home staff are absolutely vital, not just in the care they provide but in tackling social isolation. They should have been offered the reassurance of regular testing months ago, but this announcement is better late than never.”