

The Scottish Greens are welcoming a poll showing support for the party in the Scottish Parliament regional vote has risen to 8.7 per cent.

Analysis suggests this would result in 10 Green MSPs, just 4 fewer than the Conservatives and four more than the Libdems.

Over the past year polls have put the regional voting intention for the Scottish Greens at between 6 and 8 per cent. The party, which has 2 MSPs and 14 councillors, secured 4.4 per cent of the regional vote in 2011.

Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and a member of Holyrood's economy committee, said:

"This poll is welcome and will strengthen the resolve of our teams across the country as we aim to get more Greens into Holyrood in 2016.

"In recent months we've been stepping up our campaigns on a huge variety of issues. We've published detailed visions for jobs and the economy and for reforming local democracy; we also want to see football fans have the right to own their clubs and we want greater protection for people renting property.

"We're also campaigning hard to get Maggie Chapman elected as Scotland's first Green MEP, taking a positive and distinctive message to communities across the country. A message about Scotland welcoming the world, rejecting the Nato nuclear alliance and helping reform the economy so it works for everyone."


May Holyrood poll by Survation (Better Nation):