
Highland council hopeful closes Scottish Green Party conference

The Scottish Greens’ autumn conference came to a close today with an upbeat speech from the co-convener of the Highlands and Islands branch.

Isla O'Reilly from Inverness, who is standing in next year’s council election, told Green members at the Perth Concert Hall that the local authority elections offer a great chance to elect “huge green swathes of councillors” in Highland and other Scottish councils.

Isla O’Reilly said:

“The thing that really makes us different to the other political parties is our unwavering shared principles, our internal moral compass, our desire to put the planet, people and peace at the forefront.

“Also that we are part of a global movement.  We have heard this weekend how much we share in common with our fellow greens in Europe and Australia and throughout the world. There are 15,000 Green party members in Australia, not much more than us, and yet they have so many elected representatives that it’s difficult to count them.  The success they have seen is down to community organising campaign structure - knowing where your vote is and get them out.

“The 2017 local election is a chance to turn the tide of centralisation.  To act like the powerful councils we want to create already exist.  To show voters at the basest level what independence means to us. Once people get used to democracy on their doorstep, see themselves and their values listened to and reflected in the demographics and decision made by local councils.

“I hope the message taken away from this conference is one of hope.  We have never been in a better position to see huge green swathes of councillors across the country.  By thinking and acting locally we can all make a huge difference globally.”