
Heathrow decision does nothing to advance social justice

Responding to news that the Westminster Government is backing the expansion of London Heathrow airport, John Finnie MSP, Transport and Rural Economy spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, said:

"It's perhaps no surprise that a Westminster Government gung-ho for fracking and determined to wreck our renewables industry is backing the expansion of the hugely-polluting aviation sector. This will damage the UK's credibility on the global stage where there is firm agreement on the need to reduce climate emissions.

"What is perhaps a surprise is the Scottish Government's support for today's decision, given that it does nothing to advance social justice. Wealthy frequent fliers will benefit, as they will from Scottish Ministers' desire to cut Air Passenger Duty. 

"Maintaining air links between cities as far apart as Inverness and London makes sense but that does not require expansion. The real priorities for our tourist industry are skilled workers, better rail and bus travel for workers and visitors, and better broadband and mobile reception. Those cheering today's announcement are celebrating a backward step."