
Harvie Tells Conference Of Vital Role Ahead for Greens

Patrick Harvie MSP, Co convener of the Scottish Greens,  today (21 Oct) called on party members and supporters to prepare for the next independence campaign, saying that the UK people voted for in 2014 no longer exists.

Addressing the conference in Perth, Mr Harvie said:

"We find ourselves with the results of two referendums which can’t fit together. We have a 2 year old 55% mandate, and this year’s 62% mandate. Even if Better Together & the Leave campaign hadn’t lied, the UK which people voted for in 2014 no longer exists.

"We must prepare for the next independence campaign, not just to win a Yes vote, but to win a better Scotland.
Greens will continue to strengthen the case on issues such as currency and industrial strategy.

"We’re also moving into a year in which Scotland will decide how our local communities are run for the next five years; when Holyrood will decide whether councillors will have the freedom to renew and revitalise local democracy, or just hand on more cuts to public services. And we're moving into a year in which we'll have the chance to build a fairer economy by sharing the wealth that all of us generate but which has been hoarded by so few for so long.

In a direct appeal to members and supporters, Patrick concluded:

"In all of these choices, Greens have a vital role to play, and your campaigning will make all the difference."