
Harvie hits out as Scot Gov assessment shows doubling of climate impact from Air Tax cut

Patrick Harvie MSP, Finance spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, today (30 June) hit out at the Scottish Government after its transport officials quietly published a revised assessment showing a doubling of the climate change emissions from the SNP's plan to cut Air Departure Tax.

Green attempts to amend the Air Departure Tax Bill were recently voted down by SNP and Tory MSPs.

Research for the Greens has shown that the SNP's plans will benefit wealthy frequent fliers and businesses rather than families, and will harm public finances and increase climate emissions. 

The new report from government officials shows a doubling of their previous assessment.

Patrick Harvie MSP said:

“This is a damning report and Scottish Ministers must explain why it was published after they asked MSPs to vote on the creation of a new Aviation Tax rather than before, and why they claim to still be assessing the environmental impact of their policy of cutting the tax. I first asked the SNP to show the environmental impact of their policy in 2012 and it took them two years to do so. Now we learn they grossly underestimated and have tried to sneak out the true figures.

“The doubling of the environmental impact of this policy underlines what Greens have been saying for years – growing aviation makes no sense while the buses, trains and cycle routes we all rely on every day are ignored. This policy is a giveaway for businesses and the rich, will damage public finances and more clearly than ever harms Scotland’s reputation as a leader on climate change.”

Estimate of the Impact on Emissions of a Reduction in Air Departure Tax in Scotland:

Air Departure Tax report for Green MSPs: