
Harvie Can Win Kelvin Says Lucas

Green MP Caroline Lucas will tonight (28 April) join the campaign trail in Glasgow Kelvin where Scottish Greens co-convener Patrick Harvie is aiming to win the party's first constituency seat.


The Scottish Greens - campaigning for a better Scotland, a bolder Holyrood - are contesting all eight electoral regions in which MSPs are elected using a proportional system. Polls suggest between 7 and 12 regional MSPs will be elected.


In addition to topping the Glasgow regional list, Patrick Harvie is contesting Kelvin constituency which is elected using the first past the post system.


During the 2014 European election the seat was a three way tie between the Greens, Labour and the SNP.


Caroline Lucas, who increased her majority in Brighton Pavilion at the 2015 election, said:


"With a surging membership and a great campaign offering to bring fresh ideas to the Scottish Parliament, I'm confident my Scottish Greens colleagues will do well on the regional vote in this election. But as Greens have shown in Brighton, we can win first past the post seats and hold them. In Glasgow Kelvin, Patrick's team is campaigning hard for every possible vote – I wish them the very best in winning the seat.


"Patrick is an exceptional figure in Scottish politics and a respected voice in Glasgow. There is strong support for him and the Green message of being bold. I'm delighted to lend a hand and hope we see a breakthrough in this seat as the Green surge continues."