
Greer: UK government must suspend Brexit papers on devolution

A Green MSP is calling on the UK government to suspend the publication of all Brexit papers relating to devolved powers after a former European Court judge likened a “future partnership” paper to an “undergraduate essay which would have failed”.

Sir David Edward made the claim during a meeting of Holyrood’s Europe committee where he also said the Enforcement and dispute resolution - a future partnership paper was put together by “people who don’t know these problems exist.”

Edward also stated that the papers were being drafted by individuals who 'do not want to hear from the experts' and claimed the UK government is declining offers of help from such experts.

Ross Greer, the Scottish Greens’ external relations spokesperson, says the UK government should accept guidance on Scots Law and Scottish devolution from those with knowledge and experience and that any eventual Brexit deal in which the UK government included positions on devolved competencies would be unagreeable and undeliverable.

West of Scotland MSP, Ross Greer said:

“This claim, by a respected figure on matters of European and Scots law, is deeply embarrassing for the Westminster government. It only serves as further proof of their incompetence in negotiations and their disrespect for the Scottish Parliament and Scottish legal system.

"It's completely unacceptable for the UK government to publish positions on areas of devolved powers, which are out with their competence, or for them to offer positions which directly affect Scots law without having so much as considered the implications.

“The UK government must cease the publication of any Brexit paper which affect devolved competencies and the Scottish legal system and urgently seek some advice from those who actually understand the legal and political systems of Scotland. It is not their right to decide on issues of civil justice in Scotland but that is exactly what they have done. This shambolic approach to the Brexit negotiations will result in a deal which is unagreeable and undeliverable. It's time they get a grip."