
Greer says Repeal Bill is power grab by Tories desperate to cling on

Ross Greer MSP, Europe spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, today (13 July) said that the Repeal Bill published by the UK Government represents a significant "power grab" by a Government desperate to cling on after losing their mandate.

He confirmed that the Scottish Green MSPs would not vote to give legislative consent to such a Bill when approval is sought by Westminster.

Ross Greer MSP said:

“This Conservative government, having lost their majority, are now attempting to dodge the UK Parliament with a massive power grab that will allow ministers to change huge swathes of legislation without proper scrutiny or consent. They are relying on 16th century powers created for and by a mad king to get their way in a 21st century democracy. The Bill also represents a significant threat to the devolved parliaments in Wales and Scotland, attempting to impose UK-wide arrangements on what are devolved powers rather than negotiate for agreed frameworks.

"It is telling that one of the only areas of EU law the Government has decided not to transpose domestically is the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights. The Tories clearly do not want to be restrained by guarantees on our basic rights.

Mr Greer added:

“There must be far stronger protections against abuse of the proposed statutory powers. The current provisions permitting the Government to change laws without even informing Parliament must be dropped and the requirement to seek the consent of Parliament needs to be expanded. 

"Given the volume of changes expected to be made, the Greens want to see provisions on an emergency brake included, to allow parliamentarians to put a halt to these ‘Henry VIII powers’ if ministers are abusing them. Green MSPs will push for these changes when consent of the Scottish Parliament is sought. Given what we’ve seen today, we certainly cannot consent to what the Tories propose.”