
Greer Backs Record-Breaking ‘Stop Brexit’ Petition

Scottish Green MSP Ross Greer has backed the many thousands of people in the West of Scotland who have signed a record-breaking petition calling on MPs to revoke article 50 and remain in the EU.

As of Friday Afternoon more than 3.3 million people across the UK have now signed the petition, which began on Wednesday 20th March (1).

Ross said: “The phenomenal support for this record-breaking petition – which has attracted more than a million votes a day across the UK since its launch – shows the strength of feeling people have about ending the Brexit chaos.

“It’s clear the Leave campaign lied and broke the law. Scotland has repeatedly called for the narrow 2016 result, and the remain vote here, to be respected but we have been ignored at every turn by an utterly blinkered Prime Minister.

“The country still risks being driven off the edge of a cliff but it’s not too late for Parliament to stop that, by putting the final decision back to the people, or if all else fails, use the powers which Green MSPs helped secure through the courts, and revoke article 50 in the public interest.”