
Greer Backs GMB Strikes

Green MSP Ross Greer has lodged a parliamentary motion in support of East Dunbartonshire Council workers who have voted to take strike action in protest against attacks on workers’ terms and conditions, receiving support from Green, SNP and Labour MSPs.

The GMB union announced that their members at the council had backed action in response to a three-day cut in annual leave and a major reduction in the terms of workers who face redundancy. The motion states that these moves are “a cynical attempt by the new administration to undermine employees” and calls for the council to change approach and engage with unions to agree an approach based on protecting and defending workers’ rights.

Ross Greer, Green MSP for the West of Scotland said:

“The council’s actions have already led to a one-day teacher strike at most East Dunbartonshire high schools last month and now the GMB are following a similar path due to the aggressively anti-worker agenda of the Conservative & Lib Dem councillors. Employees are saying that enough is enough. The new council leadership are hell-bent on attacking the conditions of public servants as much as they can get away with and I support workers in standing up to this. The EDC leadership need to start listening to their employees and showing that they’re highly valued.”