
Greens Welcome Sturgeon's Support For Fair Coverage

Patrick speech_smallThe Scottish Greens have submitted their formal response to the BBC Trust consultation on coverage of the Holyrood elections this May. This comes after Nicola Sturgeon confirmed that her party would support the Greens' position that they should be treated as a major party and will make this clear in their own submissions to the BBC Trust consultation.

Responding to the support Patrick Harvie said:

"It's fantastic to see Nicola Sturgeon support our calls for parity from the BBC and Ofcom. The 2015 UK leaders' debates were a clear example of how the political parties could collectively achieve fair and balanced broadcasting and we are grateful that this constructive approach continues in Scotland.

“Over six thousand people have now signed our petition and many have responded directly to the BBC and Ofcom so we are optimistic that the guidance will be revised to achieve the quality of coverage Scottish voters expect from their broadcasters. The Scottish Greens have a bold and progressive case to make for what Scotland can achieve from housing & energy to education & health and we look forward to having the opportunity to make it.”

The BBC Trust consultation closes today (Friday 15th) at 5pm.