
Greens welcome STUC report on green recovery

The Scottish Greens have warmly welcomed a new report from the Scottish Trades Union Congress which shows public ownership is central to a green recovery which will create thousands of unionised jobs.

Published today, ‘The People’s Recovery: A New Track for the Scottish Economy’ makes a progressive alternative to recovery plans from the Scottish and UK Governments which remain focused on GDP growth above jobs and tackling the climate emergency.

Responding to the report, Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie said: “This is a timely and necessary report from the STUC which chimes with much of what is in our Scottish Green New Deal. We cannot return to the old, broken economy which included low pay for our most valued workers, insecure jobs and housing for so many and a system which put profit before people and planet.

“We can’t rely on private interests to make transformative change. It’s clear that we need to rebuild the public sector, which has diminished under successive governments at Westminster and Holyrood, to create a recovery which tackles the climate emergency and creates thousands of well-paid unionised jobs.”