
Greens welcome polling day

For immediate release Thursday 05 May 2011

Speaking while casting his vote at Shawlands Academy in Glasgow, Patrick Harvie, the Scottish Green Party's Co-convenor and top candidate in the Glasgow region, said:

"This election will be Scotland's first chance to reply to the LibDem/Tory cuts agenda, which we've seen handed down and nodded through by the Scottish Government and Parliament. Neither the Tories nor the Lib Dems deserve Scotland's support. The worst possible outcome in this election would be if either of the Westminster coalition parties are handed the balance of power in the next Scottish Parliament. A strong second vote for the Greens today will deliver an increased group of Green MSPs with a positive agenda for Scotland and a mandate to oppose the LibDem/Tory cuts.

"The key question to be answered by voters today is not who will be the next First Minister, but who would they rather the next First Minister has to work with? The answer can only be one of the two London coalition parties or the Scottish Greens. If Scotland's voters want an alternative to the cuts agenda and a party that will neither sell its soul for power nor allow any future Scottish Government to harm Scotland's public sector, then a second vote for the Greens is the right choice."