
Greens urge government to forge climate partnerships with US states

The Scottish Government was urged by the Greens today to work with individual US states in a bid to continue the global progress made with the Paris Climate Change agreement.

President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to “reduce and eliminate” energy and climate change agreements made by the Obama administration.

Mark Ruskell MSP, the Scottish Greens’ climate and energy spokesperson, encouraged the cabinet secretary for environment and climate change to reinforce partnerships with American states with robust commitments to tackling climate change as a way of guaranteeing continued US involvement.


Mid Scotland and Fife MSP, Mark Ruskell said:

“I wish the cabinet secretary every success as she travels to Marrakech to represent Scotland at the UN climate change conference. The Scottish Greens will continue to encourage her to engage with the US administration, states and businesses that have been so positive on climate change action.

“California, New York state, Colorado along with Scotland are already part of a pact called Under2MOU – states and regions willing to commit to reducing climate emissions. This agreement becomes more necessary than ever given the soon-to-be inauguration of the new US president. We need to see more practical collaboration between Scottish low-carbon business and innovative businesses on the ground in the US.

“I’m pleased that the cabinet secretary is intending to showcase Scotland’s climate change progress on the international stage and to work with international partners. Just as the Scottish Government should not be deterred by the UK government abolishing the department that deals with climate change, the DECC; we must also show solidarity with US states that are pressing ahead in creating sustainable jobs in renewables, in spite of policy changes that might come from the White House.”