
Greens to reject Article 50 triggering in Holyrood debate

Remain supporters will rally outside the Scottish Parliament today in hope that MSPs will vote with the Greens against the triggering of Article 50.

Holyrood will debate a Green amendment to the Article 50 debate that outlines “widespread scepticism” that the UK can conclude negotiations within two years and that the Westminster government’s decision to proceed with a Brexit Bill does not “respect” the referendum result in Scotland.

Ross Greer said:

“Given that the Supreme Court observed that Brexit will affect the powers of the Scottish Parliament, it’s right that Holyrood has a say in the matter. Westminster voted for Theresa May's hard Brexit last week, on the basis of an error strewn white paper cobbled together in the middle of the night, so it's important that we make sure Scotland's voice is heard.

“There’s going to be a rally outside parliament when MSPs are debating Article 50 and I hope that politicians will vote the same way today as they did on referendum day. We have a duty to listen to the electorate who voted overwhelmingly, by 62%, to Remain and that is what Greens will continue to campaign for.

“It’s increasingly clear that the referendums of 2014 and 2016 have delivered incompatible results and with Westminster dismissing compromise it is likely time for all of us to choose between a Brexit Britain, tilting towards Trump, or an independent Scotland in Europe.”