
Greens support Edinburgh unemployment services

For immediate release 09 March 2011

Robin Harper MSP today attacked the brutal cuts facing Edinburgh's unemployment services during a debate brought by Sarah Boyack MSP, and restated the need for a youth microfinance scheme as an addition to continued funding of existing services to help tackle unemployment amongst Edinburgh's young people.

Robin Harper MSP said:

"At a time when unemployment is rising as a result of brutal cuts being made to jobs, especially amongst Scotland's young people, we simply cannot allow unemployment services to be cut. In many parts of the Lothian region unemployment is rising amongst young people when it was previously at a low.

"Too many young people feel like their futures are bleak, that they have no prospects, and cuts such as the ones being debated today just serve to isolate and reinforce a lack of hope. Furthermore these services facing cuts are successful and vital, and many people rely on them. To lose them is not a shame, but an outrage.

"This is why today it is now more important than ever that we take further steps to establish a microfinance scheme for Scotland's youth, based on the Grameen model. This scheme was supported unanimously by the Parliament and I urge the Government to make this will a reality. There is so much positive potential amongst young people in Scotland that must be encouraged, cultivated and harnessed."