
Greens respond to disappointing Transport stats

The Scottish Government has this morning (27 Feb) published its latest transport statistics.

The figures show an increase in car usage and rail journeys, and a decrease in bus patronage and people cycling.

Scottish Greens Transport spokesperson John Finnie MSP said:

“These figures show another stark increase in car usage, resulting in ever more congestion and air pollution. Bold action must be taken to address the thousands of deaths attributable to poor air quality every year. Continued inaction is irresponsible, and those who would deny local authorities the powers necessary to save lives should seriously reflect on their position.

“A decrease in bus patronage is another disappointing aspect in these numbers. The Transport Bill presents an excellent opportunity to improve bus services across Scotland, allowing communities to access the services so many rely on. If the Scottish Government does not increase its ambition on bus services, I will bring forward my own amendments which will offer communities across Scotland better buses.

“It’s clear that the Scottish Government’s active travel targets won’t be met, with the number of people cycling down by more than 6%. The Transport Secretary must urgently review his approach to ensure we see the necessary investment in walking and cycling.

“I am delighted to see Scotland’s railways become ever more popular. One only wonders how many journeys they could host if services were delivered by a competent operator.”