
Greens call for greater preventative health spending

An Audit Scotland report, highlighting how the NHS is struggling with rising demand and cost pressures, is proof of the need for more “preventative spending” say the Scottish Greens.

The party’s health spokesperson, Alison Johnstone MSP says the report shows that the government needs to make workforce planning a top priority to help prevent a crisis. The report highlights how most health spending is still focussed on “hospital and other institutional-based care”.

Lothian MSP Alison Johnstone said:

“We know that the Scottish Government agrees with the Greens’ policy on greater preventative spending, but ministers need to turn warm words into real action. By preventing ill-health, we can ease the pressure on our NHS and if we invest in good health now, through everything from warm homes and safe walking and cycling routes to good food and a living wage, we can lighten the burden on health services.

“Recruitment and retention of qualified staff is a key issue, and ministers must prioritise planning ahead so we know what kind of jobs will be needed to cope with Scotland’s changing health. It's a concern that although record numbers of people are employed in the NHS in Scotland, they are undoubtedly over-stretched. We will continue to press this case in the forthcoming Scottish budget.”