
Greens call for bill to recognise climate emergency

Scottish Greens Environment and Climate Spokesperson Mark Ruskell MSP will this afternoon (2 Apr) call on the Scottish Government to listen to the experts and listen to public opinion by increasing the ambition in its climate change bill. 

Mark Ruskell MSP said: 

“Last week every other party in the Scottish Parliament voted against our proposition to declare a climate emergency. 

“Expert evidence tells us that we have just over a decade to take the bold action that is required if we want to avert the worst impacts of the climate crisis. The bill as it is written does not go nearly far enough in addressing this. Ministers need to set a target to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2040 at the latest. 

“We know that public opinion is overwhelmingly in favour of taking stronger action. It is time for the Scottish Government to listen to the evidence, listen to the public, and act in a responsible manner in the face of the climate emergency. 

"It is simply not good enough for Ministers to use the rhetoric of ‘climate leaders’ while failing to take the necessary action to back that up.”