
Greens back four day working week call

The Scottish Greens have joined the call for a four-day working week to create new jobs and build a fairer recovery.

Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie joined trade unions in writing to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon calling for Scotland to follow Spain and embrace shorter working hours with no loss of pay.

The policy was in the Scottish Green manifesto and formed a central part of the recent New Deal for Workers report.

Commenting, Patrick Harvie said: “We need to rebuild an economy based on decent work, fair wages and economic security. Studies have repeatedly shown than switching to a four day week does not hinder productivity, but it would give people more time with their families and create new jobs.

“This policy was a key part of our proposals for a New Deal for Scotland’s workers, so I’m pleased to be backing this call for Scotland to use it as a key part of the recovery. It should be implemented, taking care to ensure firms do not use it as an excuse to lower wages.”