

Green Yes, the Scottish Green Party's campaign for a Yes vote in the

referendum, will today (16 Sep) show the widespread support it has from
colleagues across the UK and Europe for independence.

Activists from England, Wales, France, Poland, Slovakia and Catalonia are in
Edinburgh to help the Green Yes campaign, with others showing their support on
social media using the hashtag #GreenYesSupport.

Along with Green MSPs Patrick Harvie and Alison Johnstone they will help the
campaign at the hugely popular Green Yes Tardis (ex-police call box) on Leith
Walk in the city.

Green MSP Patrick Harvie said:

"In recent weeks Scottish Greens have been receiving messages of support from
colleagues around the world as we campaign for a Yes vote. Our friends see the
chance we have of achieving a fairer, greener future for Scotland, but also
the chance for the UK to renew itself as a result.

"With a Yes vote we can make real progress on nuclear disarmament, we can
prioritise equality and end austerity. We can strengthen the case of
colleagues who want change elsewhere in these islands.

"Greens have a reputation as outward-looking internationalists, and the show
of support we're seeing for Green Yes makes us even more determined to win
independence for Scotland so our country can be a force for good in the

Zara Kitson, Co-convener of the Scottish Young Greens, said:

"As internationalists, connected to the global greens political movement,
Scottish Young Greens have been welcoming support from activists across the
UK, Europe and beyond. Independence for Scotland offers an opportunity of a
generation - one that generations before us have progressed to bring us to
this momentous point."