On the opening day of the Scottish Green Party conference party co-convener Patrick Harvie will describe the Green vision for Scotland as more important than ever.
In a keynote address in Inverness the MSP will underline the need to put forward a radical vision to persuade undecided voters to back independence.
The Scottish Greens' conference is taking place at Eden Court Theatre today and tomorrow (5 and 6 Oct) and features guest speakers focusing on Europe, regional economics, equality, local democracy and energy.
Mr Harvie said:
"The Green vision for Scotland has never been more important; the vision of a renewed economy that works for the many rather than the few and a sustainable society that cares about future generations.
"The clock is ticking on the need to tackle climate change and a Green Scotland would be better placed to develop the low carbon society we need. The clock is also ticking on a chance for Scotland to take full responsibility so we can transform our economy."
Mr Harvie added:
"Many Scots remain undecided on independence and they have every right to take their time as creating a new country is undoubtedly a radical step. These canny voters won't be persuaded by flags, bribes or fearmongering but I believe they will respond to a radical vision for a better Scotland and the Scottish Greens are crucial to outlining that vision.
"Taking responsibility and bringing power closer to the people is a core Green principle, and our conference is a chance for us to galvanise our party and amplify our message. This is a big decision about Scotland's long-term future. As Greens we're used to thinking big and it's in our DNA to think ahead, so let's seize the day."