

As the latest opinion poll shows Scots are opposed to the controversial gas drilling process known as fracking, the Scottish Greens have launched a petition calling on the UK Government to halt its plans to award licenses to drill across Scotland.

The Survation poll for the Daily Record suggests 45 per cent of Scots oppose fracking, 24 per cent support it, with the rest undecided.

A poll in November by the Green MSPs showed 66 per cent of Scots wanted control over fracking licenses to be devolved.

Alison Johnstone, Scottish Green MSP for Lothian, said:

"We expect the power to award licenses to drill for oil and gas on land to eventually be devolved, so it makes no sense for the UK Government to continue to award further licenses in Scotland. Such decisions would pre-empt the ability of the Scottish Parliament to take a different approach.

"The latest poll shows there's clear opposition to fracking in Scotland, and I urge communities who face such developments to sign our petition to send a strong message to the UK Government."

The opinion poll and the petition come as the Green MSPs press Scottish ministers for funding for planning authorities to develop robust policies to help prevent fracking firms challenging decisions.


Scottish Greens' fracking petition to Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

Scots oppose unconventional drilling (Daily Record)

Poll showing most Scots want powers over fracking to be transferred from Westminster to Scotland (Scottish Greens)