
Green MSP reacts to council decision to reject refugee detention centre

“Refugees and immigrants” are still the losers from today’s detention centre decision at Renfrewshire Council says a Green MSP.

Councillors in Paisley voted against a replacement for the notorious Dungavel detention centre, which was heavily criticised by civic Scotland for its inhumane treatment of detainees, to be built near Glasgow Airport.

Green MSP Ross Greer, who was at the demonstration outside the council’s headquarters, has vowed to continue campaigning for a fairer asylum policy, controlled by Holyrood.

West of Scotland MSP Ross Greer said:

“Regardless of the decision made today, refugees and immigrants were always going to be the losers. The blame for the state of immigration detention in Scotland lies solely with the UK government. This must be an opportunity for Westminster to begin treating these vulnerable people with some dignity and respect. We’re not holding our breath however, given that this is the same Home Office which paid for disgusting billboards telling refugees and immigrants to ‘go home’ and which regularly deports people back to situations where they are in clear danger.

“I’ll also continue campaigning for immigration and asylum policy to be controlled by the Scottish Parliament. Until then, the Greens will continue to support those who take peaceful direct action to protect our new friends who have made their homes here from the dangers of deportation.”