
Glasgow Green Party AGM 2019

The Annual General Meeting of the Glasgow Green Party will be held on Saturday 21st September, at Community Central Hall, 292 - 316 Maryhill Road, Glasgow. Doors will open at 10am, with the AGM starting at 10.30am.

A full agenda will follow, but note that the meeting will include:

  • Office bearer reports
  • Election of new Glasgow committee
  • Branch Constitutional Motions
  • Discussion of Branch Regional Election campaign
  • Selection of candidates for prospective UK election
  • Hustings for Holyrood Regional List candidates

The meeting will finish no later than 4pm.


Call for Nominations: Glasgow Branch Committee

As part of the AGM Glasgow members will be invited to elect new members to the branch committee. Serving on the branch committee is an excellent way to get involved with the running of the party at a local level, during what is likely to be an exciting time for the branch.

As per branch constitution, committee members normally serve for two year terms, so not all posts are vacant.

We are seeking nominations for the following posts:

  • Co-convenor (x2, who must be of different gender identities and at least one of whom must be a woman)
  • Vice convenor
  • Treasurer
  • Membership Secretary
  • Welfare and Conduct Officer
  • Ordinary Member (x4)

Details of the posts, and a nomination form, will be available on the Glasgow members site, at Members wishing to stand must have a proposer and seconder who are also branch members.

To stand, please complete the nomination form and send to by 5pm Wednesday 18th September.

Voting on candidates will be conducted during the AGM by secret ballot.

Any members who have any questions relating to standing for committee, or who require assistance completing a nomination form (including finding a proposer or seconder) can email for advice and assistance.


Call for Branch Constitutional Motions

Members are invited to submit motions to amend the current Glasgow branch constitution, which will be available on the Glasgow members site, at

Submitted motions will be published in advance of the AGM, to allow amendments to be submitted. Please note that no amendments from the floor will be taken on the day.
Proposed motions should be sent to by 5pm Wednesday 18th September.

Any members who have any questions relating to constitutional motions, or who require assistance preparing a motion, can email for advice and assistance.


Call for Nominations: UK Election Candidates

As per current branch electoral strategy, in the event of a UK general election (snap or otherwise) the branch intend to stand in three constituencies, namely Glasgow North, Glasgow Central and Glasgow South. The branch intends to select a list of three candidates who will then be allocated to one of these individual constituencies. We are particularly keen to encourage female and non binary candidates to stand, and as per national gender balancing recommendations intend that at least two of the three selected candidates be female.

The branch therefore is seeking nominations for candidates for these constituencies. To stand, please complete the nomination form which can be found on the Glasgow members site ( and send to by 5pm on Wednesday 18th September.

Note that all prospective candidates will be required to undergo vetting if they have not already been vetted for a Westminster election.

Voting on candidates will be conducted during the AGM by secret ballot.

Any members who have any questions relating to standing for selection, or who require assistance completing a nomination form (including finding a proposer or seconder) can email for advice and assistance.