
Glasgow Airport: Greer Questions Flight Path Plan

Ross Greer, Green MSP for the West of Scotland and Patrick Harvie, Economy spokesperson for the Scottish Greens have questioned plans by Glasgow Airport to revise flight paths, which the airport says is needed to cope with increased passenger numbers and airspace congestion. Proposals would see an increase in flights over areas including parts of Bearsden, resulting in more noise pollution for local residents.


Airport bosses claim that the new system will improve punctuality and allow them to reduce CO2 emissions. A consultation on the changes was launched this week and residents have 13 weeks to make their views known.


Ross Greer, MSP for the West of Scotland region which includes Glasgow Airport said:


"Voices of local communities across the West of Scotland need to be heard and I urge as many people as possible to look at the proposals and respond. I know that people in Bearsden & Milngavie have to live with the noise and air pollution from aircraft and this has been a major concern of residents for some years.


“The projections show that areas of Bearsden in particular will see an increase in noise pollution. Edinburgh Airport’s recent attempt to ignore the views of communities backfired spectacularly, so Glasgow Airport would be wise to listen to the concerns of those living in Bearsden and Milngavie carefully.”


Patrick Harvie said:


“Growing the most polluting form of transport for the benefit of wealthy frequent fliers is not a priority when bus and rail fares are going through the roof, hitting everyday commuters in the pocket. It’s hard to believe the airport’s claims that new routes will cut carbon emissions when their ultimate aim is more flights.


“The aviation industry’s claims about reducing its environmental impact tend to fall apart when looked at in any detail, as we saw when the Scottish Parliament’s Finance Committee questioned the wild claims behind the proposal to cut Air Departure Tax.