
Glasgow Airport Green MSPs Urge Public to Make Views Heard on Flightpath Changes

Glasgow and West Green MSPs Patrick Harvie and Ross Greer are urging those living in communities affected by Glasgow Airport’s proposed flightpath changes such as Bearsden & Milngavie to make their voice heard by responding to the ongoing consultation.

Ross Greer, MSP for the West of Scotland, spoke after being  joined by Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow and co-convenor of the Scottish Greens, at a well-attended airspace consultation drop-in event in Bearsden on the 16th of March. Bearsden, particularly the communities of Kessington and Canniesburn, is one of the areas which will be most affected by the proposed changes to flight paths, with earlier turning points for the quarter of flights which depart to the north of Glasgow Airport.

Ross Greer said:

“The high turnout at the drop-in event was fantastic but to ensure that our communities’ concerns are really heard by the airport, residents need to respond to the consultation document. Many of those attending found the face-to-face meeting particularly valuable due to the heavily technical nature of the document but that should not put off other from submitting a response. You don’t need to talk in the technical jargon of aviation to be listened to.

“Residents I spoke to at the hub raised concerns such as the impact on schools located under the flightpaths and how effective the respite routes intended for night time flights will be at minimising disruptive noise. Although some changes are necessary to keep pace with guidance technologies, that cannot come at the expense of communities under the flightpath, as has too often been the case across the country.

“The proposed changes will have a significant impact in terms of overflights and noise, so it’s important that if you live in an affected area that you make your views heard before the consultation ends on the 13th of April.”