
German MEP offers green support to stay in Europe

A German member of the European Parliament has told the Scottish Green Party conference that she will do everything she can to ensure Scotland, as well as Northern Ireland, England and Wales can stay in the European Union.

Ska Keller MEP from Brandenburg also told delegates at the Perth Concert Hall that Greens elected at the local authority elections in 2017 can make a big difference on many global issues, including the Syrian refugee crisis.

Keller, the vice president of the Green group in the EU parliament, said:

“There is a growing perception that there is a crisis in Europe, especially in relation to refugees. It’s at the local level where people are welcoming refugees, helping them to find places to live and schools for the children to learn. There are many great examples in Germany, where many ‘miracles’ have seen small towns do everything they possibly can to accommodate desperate people, often in the many hundreds. This required mayors, council officials and volunteers working together successfully.

“Local issues will always be at the heart of Green politics. Of course, it should be possible for Europe, a continent with more than 500 people, to be able to do more to help the refugee crisis. If Lebanon, a small country with a population less than five million people, can do it, then so can we.”

Referring to Scotland’s place in Europe, Keller concluded with:

“In the European Parliament, we are not going to miss Nigel Farage or his UKIP colleagues who arrogantly plant their flag on their desks. But we will miss you. I will support you to stay in Europe and European Greens will always stand by your side.”