

Patrick Harvie MSP, the Scottish Greens' economy and energy spokesperson, says today's announcement from the Scottish Government inviting tenders for research into onshore unconventional oil and gas extraction shows a ban is still needed.

Scottish Green MSPs Patrick Harvie and Alison Johnstone have been campaigning against unconventional gas extraction since the 2011 election. Alison led Holyrood’s first debate on the issue in May 2014, proposing a ban. All other parties voted against it.

Patrick Harvie MSP said:

"This announcement is a reminder that only the Scottish Greens are pushing for a permanent ban on fracking and other forms of unconventional gas extraction. SNP ministers are finally getting round to tendering for this work but the public will have to wait for a year before being allowed to submit their views. In the meantime, communities across the Central Belt face uncertainty with fracking companies having bid for licences and firms such as Ineos continuing a charm offensive in the hope that the moratorium is relaxed.

“Scotland can ban this dangerous distraction and instead focus efforts on jobs in oil and gas decommissioning, renewables and energy efficient housing, but we need Holyrood to be bolder. Further extraction of fossil fuels poses a huge risk to our economy and is incompatible with our climate change responsibilities. With more Green MSPs we can push faster in the right direction.”


Tendering process for research programme underway (Scottish Government)