
Fracking: Greens condemn INEOS over ban hold up

Scotland does not want fracking and multi-nationals determined to ignore this are responsible for creating deliberate uncertainty over a ban, says a Green MSP.

Mark Ruskell MSP, the Scottish Greens’ energy spokesperson, is calling INEO’S legal bid a “desperate” last-ditch attempt to cause uncertainty from a fossil fuel giant that knows it has the lost the argument.

Ruskell, a Mid Scotland and Fife MSP said:

“Scotland does not want fracking and the only thing causing uncertainty is INEOS. This legal bid is a desperate attempt by a mega-rich multinational that knows it’s lost the argument, while pretending to ignore the democratic will of the Scottish Parliament.

“We’ve argued for a long time that the extension of the government’s planning moratorium wasn’t a real ban, which is why Greens strengthened it in October 2017, with a majority at Holyrood supporting our call to prevent a future government overturning the policy on a whim.

“As a result of Green campaigning, the ban is now included in the Energy Strategy and will soon become part of the National Planning Framework. We continue to monitor the Scottish Government’s work on this.”