
Ex SNP Environment Minister admits “issues” with air tax cuts

Former SNP Environment Secretary Stewart Stevenson MSP has admitted that “there are issues,” with the Scottish Government’s proposals on slashing aviation tax. 

Mr Stevenson’s comments were made during a debate on the climate crisis with Green MSP Ross Greer on Good morning Scotland. In response to a question from presenter Gary Robertson about how cutting air taxes could be compatible with declaring a climate emergency, as the First Minister did at her party conference this weekend, Mr Stevenson replied, “I think there are issues around that.”

Speaking afterwards Ross Greer MSP said: 

“It speaks volumes that a former environment minister and loyal SNP MSP recognises the issues with his party’s contradictory environmental policies. If the First Minister’s climate emergency declaration is to mean anything, she needs to ditch the climate-wrecking policies the SNP have pushed during their decade in government. Air tax cuts, which benefit wealthy frequent fliers and cost tens of millions, money which could otherwise be spent improving the trains and buses people use every day, are one of the first policies the SNP need to jettison.”