
Ensuring wealthy pay more tax is progressive, fair and green

The decision to make the highest earners pay their fair share, announced by Acting Finance Secretary, John Swinney, makes Scotland’s taxation system the fairest and most progressive in the UK whilst delivering vital extra funding for the NHS, the Scottish Greens have said.

Ross Greer MSP, Scottish Greens Finance spokesperson, said:

“With Scottish Greens in government, we have ensured that Scotland has the fairest and most progressive tax system anywhere in the UK.

“It is only right that the wealthiest should pay more and shoulder the responsibility for ensuring we can protect the poorest and most vulnerable, particularly during a cost of living crisis.

“Back in 2018 the Scottish Greens secured agreement for the first changes to our income tax system, making it fairer and raising more for public services. This further change builds upon that and  will see more than half a billion pounds of extra investment in the services that we all rely on. 

“Compare this with a Westminster government which has removed the cap on bankers bonuses and it is clear how much fairer Scotland could be if our own government had the full financial powers of a normal country.”