Edinburgh City Council: Greens will continue to push for progressive change

The continuation of a broken and failing Labour, Tory and Lib Dem alliance in Edinburgh City Council will not stop the work of Green councillors in pushing for progressive change.
Speaking after the vote, Scottish Green Cllr Susan Rae said:
"Of course I am disappointed that our progressive vision for the city has not been adopted today, and that it will be the people of Edinburgh who will suffer from the continuation of directionless super-minority.
“Despite it being clear that individuals in all parties do not have faith in Labour to provide the solutions to the multiple crises we are facing, it seems that party loyalty and paid positions have more sway for Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Tories than doing their democratic duty to the people who elected them. I have huge respect for those who spoke out against their parties, at potentially great personal and political cost.
“This isn't the end of our commitment to climate and social justice, and Greens will continue to push for the positive changes Edinburgh needs from opposition."
Commenting on the decision, Scottish Green MSP Lorna Slater, who represents the Lothian region, said:
“Our city needs change and I know that our Green councillors would have stepped up to build a fairer, greener city.
“I will work with them to hold the administration to account and to ensure that we get the loudest Green voice possible for the people of Edinburgh both in our city chamber and in parliament.”