
Dungavel decision must bring improved conditions say Greens

The decision to keep the Dungavel immigration centre open, rather than relocate to a new facility near Glasgow International Airport, must see the UK government treat detainees with “dignity and respect” say the Greens.

However, Ross Greer MSP, the party’s external affairs spokesperson, says that a shift in immigration policy is unlikely while the relevant powers are reserved at Westminster.

West of Scotland MSP Ross Greer, who campaigned outside Renfrewshire Council last year prior to the initial decision, said:

“I'm glad to have stood with campaigners against detention centres, new or old. Regardless of this decision though, refugees and immigrants were always going to be the losers while immigration policy is decided at Westminster. The UK government must begin treating vulnerable people with dignity and respect and not like criminals, but given that this is the same Home Office which paid for disgusting billboards telling refugees and immigrants to ‘go home’ and which regularly deports people back to situations where they are in clear danger, I wouldn’t hold my breath.”