

Patrick-looking-up-reduced-size-SMALLPatrick Harvie, Co-convenor of the Scottish Greens, says Scottish Labour are running out of time to prove to voters that they could provide a solid opposition to the SNP after the Holyrood election next May.

Harvie highlighted that Labour’s rapidly changing views have left voters in doubt of where the party’s values lie.

More than one in ten of the Scottish Greens’ 9,000 members are former Labour members. Opinion polls suggest Green MSPs will be elected across Scotland’s eight regions in May, giving the party its best ever result in the Scottish Parliament.

Patrick said:

“Labour seems to change its views as often as it changes its leaders. From Labour MPs voting for the Tories’ disgraceful welfare reforms to Kezia Dugdale’s support for Trident renewal, it’s just not clear what the party believes in.

“Kezia Dugdale’s latest tax credit pledge sounds like a cynical attempt to restore faith in the party's social justice ethos, but the voters know that Labour were the biggest blockage to meaningful devolution of welfare powers. Scottish voters have a clear view of how they want to build a more just Scotland, and Labour’s faltering party line is way off the mark.

“Scotland needs a strong, bold opposition to move our country forward, not a party that will quickly change its tune just to chase votes. If the voters want a principled, consistent and progressive opposition to hold the SNP to account, the Scottish Greens are the party for them.”