
Douglas Ross must reject Rishi Sunak’s shameful climate climbdown

The Scottish Tories must stand up to the climate vandalism from Downing Street.

Douglas Ross and his Scottish Tory colleagues must reject Rishi Sunak’s shameful environmental climbdown, say the Scottish Greens. 

It comes as the Prime Minister has backtracked on his environmental obligations and shredded his climate commitments.

The Scottish Greens climate spokesperson, Mark Ruskell MSP, said:

“The Prime Minister has somehow managed to unite Ford and Greenpeace in opposition to his shocking U-turns. 

“This is a time for leadership, but Rishi Sunak is shredding his climate commitments and lighting an environmental bonfire.

“Right now leaders are coming together to discuss a way forward, but the Prime  Minister is doubling down on fossil fuels and failed policies while leading the UK into even greater isolation.

“Our environment is for all of us. It is bigger than any political party. That is why MSPs from all parties must stand together in defence of our climate 

“Douglas Ross and his Scottish Tory colleagues have sat back and nodded approvingly throughout all of the financial and environmental chaos that has been inflicted from Downing Street. Are they going to do the same again?

“Enough is enough. This is a really crucial moment. The UK is already far behind where it needs to be in meeting its international obligations, now the Tories are rowing back even further and are threatening to undo the vital progress that we are delivering.

“Did Douglas Ross know this was coming? If he wants to do what is right for our environment and the wellbeing of future generations then this is when he must put party politics to one side and reject this shameful climate climbdown.”