
David Davis snub is disrespectful says green MSP

A newspaper report that UK government Brexit ministers are refusing to appear before the Scottish Parliament’s Europe committee before Article 50 is triggered is another example of “Tory disrespect” says a Green MSP.

The Courier reveals that David Jones MP has turned down a proposed appearance in front of MSPs this month, after David Davis MP, the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union had previously pledged to appear before Holyrood’s Europe and External Affairs Committee.

Ross Greer MSP, the Scottish Greens’ external affairs spokesperson, said:

“There is no end to the Tories’ disrespect for Scotland. MSPs were elected to hold government ministers to account and to represent our electorate, who voted overwhelmingly to remain in Europe. How can we possibly do that job when Tory cabinet ministers refuse to explain their actions before the Scottish Parliament?

“David Davis pledged that he would come before our committee and just weeks away from the Brexit process starting neither he nor a single minister from his department has done so. Any suggestion that Scotland is an ‘equal partner’ in the United Kingdom is just a meaningless soundbite.”

Greer added:

“This comes off the back of the Scottish Tories apparently briefing against a committee visit to Brussels which one of their own members attended, waiting until committee reports are published to undermine them in the press and Liam Fox sending a junior minister via video-link from Westminster to answer for his department. Is this really a government we want to stay tied to?”