
COVID safety measures extended

Vulnerable people will continue to have access to regular testing after Easter, the First Minister has confirmed, in response to questions from Scottish Greens health spokesperson Gillian Mackay.

The use of testing and face coverings will be extended to at least Easter, it has been announced, with public health guidance likely to be in place beyond that time.

Responding, Scottish Greens health spokesperson Gillian Mackay said:

“With cases high and continued pressure on NHS services, it is right that the Scottish Government maintains a cautious approach when it comes to safety measures like testing and face coverings.

“This is particularly important for people who clinically vulnerable and their families, who are very anxious as things open up and the chances of them coming in contact with positive cases rise. They must not be left behind, which is why I am glad that the First Minister confirmed that they will have continued access to testing.

“Face coverings are the easiest way people can reassure vulnerable people and keep them safe, so I hope the public will continue to use them in busy spaces even when they are no longer mandatory.”