
Chilcot report a damning indictment of Blair & Bush's warmongering

Patrick Harvie MSP, Co-convener of the Scottish Greens, today said the findings of the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq War justify the widespread public anger over unnecessary loss of life.

Patrick said:

"The 100,000 people who marched in Glasgow in 2003 against the war have been proven correct. We knew then and we know now that this war was wrong.

"Today's report is a damning indictment of Tony Blair and his blinkered, sickening devotion to George Bush's warmongering. Chilcot makes clear that peaceful options had not been exhausted, the legal basis for invasion was not satisfactory, the intelligence was flawed and that the risks of unleashing terrorism were clear before the invasion took place.

"The UK Government and Ministry of Defence owe it to the UK families mourning their loss and the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed to ensure that such an appalling misjudgement never happens again, and to abandon the self-serving projection of power in favour of the international rule of law. Sunday’s suicide bombing in Baghdad that has so far killed 250 people is a stark reminder of the legacy the UK has left in Iraq and the wider region."