
Changes needed in Scotland's health and social care

Alison Johnstone, Lothian MSP and Scottish Green Party spokesperson on Health, Wellbeing and Sport, has today renewed calls for bolder action, more community focus and increased spending on preventative health care.

An Audit Scotland report titled 'Changing models of health and social care' highlights the need for stronger leadership and better planning to speed up changes in Scotland's health and social care. The report shows that at the moment, Scotland's health and social care system was not fit for responding to patients' changing needs and the ageing demographic. 

Alison Johnstone said:

"With tightened budget, growing demand and an ageing population, it's clear that if we want to provide everyone in Scotland with a high-quality health service, the Scottish Government has to shape up and really invest in new ways to care for our nation. 

“At the moment, we run the risk of leaving older patients in hospital beds, when community care and social services could support people to live fuller, healthier lives for longer.

"While central government is stuck in their old habits, communities around the country are already developing brilliant new ways to support and care for people. It would be foolish not to listen to the experiences and ideas of health practitioners and professionals in those communities, and give them the support they need to provide the best possible services.

"For the Scottish Greens, the key to improving our nation's health is in tackling health inequalities, improving people’s general welfare and really boosting preventative care. I urge the Scottish Government to explore what health and social care practitioners around the country are doing to respond to new challenges, and start drafting up a bold plan that will make our services fit for the Scotland of today."