
CCC report shows progress with Greens in government

Scotland has made a “big step forward” by having Greens in government, according to a new report by the UK Climate Change Committee.

The independent advisory body praised the appointment of Scottish Greens co-leaders Lorna Slater and Patrick Harvie as ministers covering key policy areas for reaching net zero.

The report says: “The allocation of these ministerial portfolios is a big step forward in ensuring that Net Zero is being embedded as a core Government goal (2020 SPR recommendation). These additions occurred alongside a change in the Scottish political landscape, which saw the creation of a cooperation agreement and shared policy programme between the Scottish National Party and the Scottish Green Party.”

The report also says that the joint policy platform as laid out in the most recent programme for government “is a strong signal that the Scottish Government is moving towards integrating Net Zero in all areas of policy across the economy.”

Commenting, Scottish Greens climate spokesperson Mark Ruskell said: “With Greens in government Scotland is stepping up our investments in greener transport, nature, decarbonising buildings and a just transition for workers, and it is good that the Climate Change Committee has recognised that.

“But this report also shows the challenges we have ahead, including lowering emissions from aviation and people’s diets, and restoring Scotland’s peatlands. It will be vital that we turn policy commitments into action in the years to come as we build a green recovery which leaves no-one behind.”